Promoting IT Opportunities at Grove City College Career Fair
October 8, 2009
On October 7, 2009, Grove City College held its 11th annual Career Fair. As in 2007 and 2008, B–Three Solutions participated in the event. Representing B–Three at the Career Fair were Jamie Schultz, Vice President of Operations, and Bob Elliott, Director of Project Development. Over the course of the day, they met with approximately 50 students.
This year more than 100 organizations — businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, graduate schools, and branches of the armed forces — brought career information to share with Grove City students. At the B–Three table, printed materials were supplemented by a continuously running slide show that described B–Three’s fixed–fee approach and highlighted several recent projects.
When students came up to the table and introduced themselves, Jamie and Bob would describe B–Three’s internship program, which has included two students from Grove City. B–Three believes that an internship is an excellent starting point for a career in Information Technology. Two members of our current development team first came to B–Three as interns. They are now experienced IT professionals.
There were three Grove City students who had no need to introduce themselves to the B–Three representatives. Jamie Schultz and his wife Lois currently have all three of their children at Grove City!