Pittsburgh Business Times Profiles B–Three Solutions
December 23, 2008
“Reliability all the time” is the phrase used by the Pittsburgh Business Times to describe the business model of B–Three Solutions, Inc.
Writing in the publication’s December 19 issue, Anya Litvak reported on her recent interview with Michael Walton, President of B–Three Solutions. Walton described the extensive analysis B–Three invests in a software project before making a fixed–fee, fixed–timeline proposal to the prospective client.
Without this disciplined approach, B–Three would not have been able to establish its consistent record of on–time, on–budget completion of projects — a record that has resulted in a repeat customer rate of 100 percent.
As quoted in the article, Howard A. Stern, Director and Chief Information Officer for the City of Pittsburgh, explained that the fixed–fee model is a particularly good fit for government entities, where the budgeting process establishes a fixed cost allowable for the project.
B–Three has completed a number of projects for the City of Pittsburgh, including the software for the laptop computers in all the police squad cars and the software for the hand–held computers used in the field by building inspectors.
B–Three’s broad range of software expertise also includes healthcare, manufacturing, technology, finance, and telecommunications.
Read the article on the website of the Pittsburgh Business Times.